Monday, September 21, 2009


No, not the kitchen sink kind.  But sometimes sea sponges are used for 'artist's' sponges, and for texturing paint on walls.

A Giant Barrel Sponge, or maybe a Basket Sponge, depending on the one who is calling names. Latin is, Xestospongia muta.  Everyone agrees on the latin name. (hopefully!)  A big fellow, perhaps more than a yard/meter across.  Yes, I know, a meter is about three inches more than a yard.


.Another X. muta.  Somehow something made the little part go odd, and it looks like it's making a face.  I've posted a photo of this guy before.  I see him all the time!


Some sort of "Rope Sponge"  A lovely wine color, but out of the water more reddish than purple.

The fish are little, Brown Chromis.


A Brown Tube Sponge, also called Pipes of Pan.  It takes different shapes sometimes, but usually looks like this.  Lots of this kind of sponge where I dive.


And a fish!  A Graysby.  More light in this photo than the one a day ago, his markings plainly seen.  He's lounging on the reef, see how he's leaning on his pectoral fins, what would translate to human's hands.

Just under him is a round hole, I'm thinking that's a Preditory Boring Sponge!  Ha.  They attack living coral and burrow all through the interior of a coral's skeleton, eventually killing the coral.  Boooo

OK, I must(you won't believe!) pack up my camera housing and send it off to the repair guy AGAIN!!!  He seems to be almost as perturbed as I.

Have fun when you can!  See you tomorrow, and thanks for stopping by!

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