Friday, September 7, 2007

Kathy's snorkel

Well, this one is almost finished. Some minor adjustments.

This is from the Bonaire webcams, and has a bit of a story behind it. I'll just say that Kathy is delighted. I'm packing the painting and mailing it to her Monday. Since I am copying copyrighted images, I cannot sell this picture. Another person on that discussion group is to make cards for sale, and this image might be amongst them. Procedes will benefit Bonaire schools. See, community chat.

This is the most fun painting I've ever done. Several people on BonaireTalk were cheering me along, and helped greatly with posting separate photos of the eyes behind the mask.


  1. Melissa, I can't thank you enough for this. It's beautiful and I'll treasure it always!

    This watercolor is something I can hand down to generations. And I think of some great, great grandaughter after I'm gone, having it on her wall, and saying, "This was my great great grandmother, Kathy." That just makes me very happy. :) You've created an heirloom, one I'll always treasure. :)

  2. Gooness gracious! I was just scribbling a little painting for you! Thanks for the praise, and for valuing my work.
