Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hum haven't posted in a while...

Oooo, is there a Lionfish in there? We haven't found any in a while here on St Croix(croy). Seems there were nine or ten caught, over a year's time. Each one was bigger than the last. The very first sightings were one one dive by a tourist that took photos of eight or more, all about three inches long. These were reported, not caught, booo. It's looking like that was an isolated invasion.
The Island of Bonaire is having the same thing happen, all of a sudden there are little Lions all over the place. The park people there are doing their best to catch them.
In the Bahamas, the Officials didn't realize what a devastating effect these fish have on the population of reef fish, and they dawdled with any attempt at control. There was a Lionfish Rodeo a few months ago on one of the islands, and in one day, 1,400 lionfish were brought in.
OK, all for now. I'm designing my studio to be able to paint efficiently, so I'll be an artist someday soon!
Thanks for stopping by!

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